You bring up many good points, Carol. Also, opened the opportunity to remind you the #MeToo movement should be for all women, not just the liberal American women. In addition, as mentioned below — where was the outrage when Bill Clinton was receiving bj’s in the oval office from an intern, and impeached, yet allowed to served out his term?
Not even Hillary objected. In a recent interview she could not allow herself to admit what Bill did was wrong. The closest she came was to say it may have been an imbalance of power for a president to become involved with an intern. (paraphrasing). And don’t say this was a long time ago because it is fresher than Blasey-Ford’s complaints. Point is: It is tergiversate to currently rant and rave over Hillary’s presidential loss while promoting the #MeToo movement.
Speaking of Blasey-Ford, as well as all women, why is nothing ever mentioned about teaching women how to protect themselves? At least admit to how they are partially responsible for what happened. Why a young model enters a businessman’s hotel room, unescorted, for any reason is a set-up and the agent could also be involved!
Back to Blasey-Ford: she never mentioned she was 15 when she went to a house party with upperclassmen, where drinking was likely to take place. Her first mistake. She said she went upstairs to the bedroom? Some say, to use the bathroom (after a few drinks?) she did not say. When asked what her worst memory of the evening was, she hesitated and said, “They laughed at me!”
Based on her vague responses to an undocumented event from 34 years ago, do you really want to take down a professional man with a clean back-ground, on hearsay? Even worse, because they laughed at her? (if it was him). Had it turned out any other way it would have set a precedence to apply to all women from now on! This is connected to yet excluded from what you are promoting through the @MeToo movement.
Remember, women raised these men…
It is most important women learn to protect themselves: not get into a situation where they are open to abuse. Most importantly, in the event a woman is sexually abused, report immediately and document!