While reading your post I was thinking not only how times have changed, but how attitudes are cyclical. Much of what you are now saying is similar to the Hippy-days of the 1960's!
The Marriage Certificate was the spoiler. In the 60’s people went on to have children, or not have children, marriage had nothing to do with this.
The ramifications were the same. Either to stay together because it seems to be working, or split and end up with a different partner. At this point, this is where real life kicks in!
Your kids don’t like his kid’s! He favors his kids over your kids. Your kid works hard, helps around the house — while his kids are rude, and lazy! His Ex is always inserting her opinions on their kids and they bring it home and take it out on you. The scenarios are endless.
Your child is off to college and his kids are still slouch-potatoes!
You leave because — what the hay — you can! You take the car because you need it for work. He picks it up because he paid for it while he was working. Worse yet, he’s injured on the job and you have to take care of him…or walk out and look like an ungrateful ‘B’!
Now, you are at the age when you begin to think about spending the rest of your life alone because you are older now and each date has his own baggage.
How do I know? Because I divorced my fourth husband when I was 40! Plenty of time to find True Love and live happily ever after! Right? Nope!
Gotta keep the roof over my head — worked hard and long hours making great money and planned to save and retire!
BANG! Broken neck -
Tick Tock!
Wow! How thinks can change…now must sleep sitting up!
Hi there! My name is Joseph, and you are ???
None of your Damn business!
Mumble, mumble, mumble, not taking my clothes off for no damn man!!!