While I cannot argue with your evaluations of male behavior, I have a different take on this issue. First, I believe this is not an individual issue it is a cyclical issue. Each decade presents their own version of male/female relationships.
One important factor, as I view it, mothers favor their sons who can do no wrong. My own daughter would often proclaim she would do anything for her son —right in front of her daughter, who responded with-what about me? The daughter became successful, the son is still subsidized by the mother.
These generational men enter manhood thinking they are Prince Charming’s expecting to be worshiped by the girls they meet, just like their mother’s raised them. Girls enter adulthood expecting Prince Charming’s to whisk them off to Magic Wonderland and live happily-ever-after, only to learn their man expects them to worship and adore them as they were by their mothers.
Guys enter adulthood thinking they are studdly men! Women enter adulthood expecting to be worshiped as the delicate flower they were taught to be.
Seldom is there any feedback to prepare either gender how their roles will change as adults. Probably because there is such diversity between scenarios no one thinks to address and prepare each for the other. Thus, men become aggressive and women become submissive.
This is why men cheat — at work girls flirt with them. They go home to a wife who is expecting her guy to flirt with her! (My opinion).
What do YOU think?