To say that all issues can be solved with a shift in thinking patterns ignores the larger picture, but there is a truth to what the Durants learned from history — how we think about what is happening around us is arguably more important than what is actually happening around us.
The Durants were right saying ‘all issues can be solved with a shift in thinking patterns.’ The back-side of Durants comment is Einsteins comment, Insanity is doing what you’ve always done and expecting different results. Both make sense, what is missing is the formula for thinking differently.
Metaphysics tells us, we are not a body with a mind. We are a Mind in a body. In support of this, the body dies, the Mind is eternal. Ever had a premonition, and it happened? Ever thought of a friend and he calls? Intuition!
This is not coming to you from the brain, it is coming through the Mind. Our minds are connected! (ah ha!). This is what Durants and Einstein were referring to — a shift in thinking. If one is not ready to think differently, this is okay, too. It just prolongs learning.
You must believe this on some level if you accept the use of support animals who can alert the host when a seizure is coming? Ever watch the Video on Facebook where the male gorilla stands in the middle of the road to stop cars until his family has crossed back into the jungle? Or, the elephant family run to rescue a baby elephant trying to climb up the bank? All this without pen and paper, sign language, or an iPhone! They communicate through thoughts, the Mind.
If animals can communicate through the mind, and we are more intelligent than animals, how difficult is it to believe it is possible for humans to communicate through the mind?