This is so simple — America is not against immigration! America is concerned about thousands of illegals forcing themselves on America and trying to make America look like the ‘bad-guy’ for not accepting this attempted take-over.
Take-over, you say?! What else could it be? How is it a mass of derived and war-torn people can afford to travel across multiple countries and arrive at our border well groomed, clean clothes, and rested? If this was really about immigration, then follow the requirements, file your papers, and wait your turn, just like past legal immigrants have done.
Today’s news reports Americans are opposed to spending the funds to secure our borders, a temporary exercise: while overlooking the cost to tax-payers if these illegals are allowed to enter. Who do you think is going to fund this invasion? …and for how long? Once on the ‘dole’ tax payers are forever beholden to fund these illegals.
Name one country an American can visit without a Visa, why? Countries want to know who is planning to visit and for how long — BEFORE you can purchase a ticket! (Mexico, included).
If this is really about helping displaced individuals, and you are willing to come up with the needed funds, then look around at the homeless already living on the streets of America and help some of our own!
(under suspect and timely planned as a distraction to mid-term elections?).