There are times when I am happy to be an old lady — and this is another example!
What became of the concept ‘Nature has a way of regulating itself ?’
Yellowstone, for example — by ridding the park of wolves, it allowed the grass eating animals to proliferate. Without grass, insects disappeared. Without insects for the birds they began to disappear. The end results included a change in the atmosphere.
To solve this problem wolves were returned to Yellowstone and began thinning the herds of grass eaters. As grass grew, flowers returned along with insects and birds. Once again, a balance has been returned to Yellowstone.
Lest one forgets Easter Island? (Rapa Nui).
When discovered Easter Island was covered with rain forests and the ecosystem to go with it.
After man arrived and began deforesting the island the climate changed, eventually to the point it no longer supported life on the island.
Now, it stands vacant with giant Moai Statues guarding the island while scientists ponder how this could possibly have happened!
In case you have not heard this before: Cell towers and increased technological advances generating additional sound waves are interfering with the Honey Bees GPS system. They become confused and cannot find their way beck to the Hive.
Honey bees are responsible for 97% of our food supply. Without the honey bee our life expectancy is FOUR years!
By 2069 life as we know it will look something like Atlantis!