So happy you brought this up — although too late for my situation!
After my accident and presenting with double vision and what felt like a stick poking me in the neck under my ear the emergency room doctor referred me to an Ophthalmologist Neurologist (ON) for evaluation.
He sent me for a CAT scan and by the time this had been completed and I returned to his office, the doctor had not only gone home — he had retired!
The second doctor, an Ophthalmologist Neurologist, did extensive testing: results were diplopia, sixth nerve palsy. This needed more testing and scheduled next appointment. Upon my return, I learned this doctor had also retired, and a very pregnant Neurologist told me, in no uncertain terms, “You don’t have Diplopia, you have Epilepsy!” and scheduled another appointment. Upon my return she was out on maternity leave
A rooky doctor waved a finger in front of my face, said I was fine and scheduled a return in two weeks. It went through my mind — if I was so okay why must I return?
For the next several months doctors shuffled me from one Psychiatrist to another until 11 months had passed.
Confused, I went to another hospital and learned I had Atlas Subluxation, 6th Nerve Palsy, and enclosed partial decapitation!
A city bus running a red light struck my vehicle, spun it around striking it again from the rear, tossing me 33 feet into a stone building breaking my neck.
Five days after my accident, same intersection, different bus struck a woman and killed her. (?).