Prohibition produced the illegal pursuit of happiness and immediately went underground to survive. Survive it did, with speakeasies, parties, flowing juices, money laundering, and organized crime.
History claims government thought the end of the war and the end of prohibition ended money laundering and thus, organized crime. In fact, 20 years later government discovered (admitted) this was not true. Organized Crime was alive and well and had invested in legitimate businesses, no longer needing to launder funds.
Instead of asking, so? Ask yourself how Senators and the House employees, all became rich with their positions in the White House? Yes, they have great salaries, but rich? Even Hillary claimed they were broke at the end of the Clinton presidency. What happened?
Things have to make sense to me. What if with all the mergers, buy-outs, conversions, organized crime has managed to over take the White House?! This includes Democrats and Republicans! Trump must know this. He has to know! (Trump is no dummy!). As an outsider he knew what was going on and also knew he is the only one who would be willing to take on Organized Crime.
Instead of backing Trump into a corner, perhaps we should start backing him up?!