Once upon a time I went around the world on a blind date! It took us six weeks. The real story — and call me crazy — In Taipei on a tour through the pink marble mountain — we had lunch at a small resort before returning to town.
Something drew me to this 11 year old child traveling with her family. Adopted family, at that. During lunch we bonded — and this is when I learned she had the same birthday, and was the same age as my son was when he was killed in a hit-and-run! (?).
I promised to bring her to San Francisco sometime in the future.
She wrote, while in California she wanted to visit Disney Land (we did that), Las Vegas (we did that) and the Statue of Liberty! (we did that, too!) although it had not yet been moved to California!
One her last night we had an impressive earthquake! Walla! The Grand Send-off!
She returned to Australia… Happy!