Ok! Washington post — now you have my attention!
I am old enough and have seen or experienced it all, plus, I have reached the age where I am no longer willing to disrobe for anyone, for any reason! Why?
Because true Love has nothing to do with my vagina!
The question should be, in an age when instant meet-ups and sexting is acceptable at what point is the guy supposed to know his date has previously been emotionally and physically damaged?
If the female is too fragile from previous experiences in the dating ring, take a break! Not go back to the scene of the accident for more. Keep in mind your problems are not his problem! Nothing ends a loving mood faster than unloading your problems on your partner and expecting him/her to fix you!
If you broke a bone in your leg and can’t dance for the nut-cracker, he will find a stand-in. Your random partner is not expected to wait for you to heal! …and if you think so you are mixing up true-love with free-love!
Remember Ladies: You are fighting for E-q-u-a-l-i-t-y — so do like the guys are supposed to do — buck-up! When is the last time you met a guy who unloaded on you? You haven’t because they are likely in a corner with a blunt. They are smart enough to understand if you cannot run with the herd, don’t go to the arena.
Society has reached the X-stitching phase in this daisy quilt of life. Anything goes, unless I don’t like it!
Eckhart Tole reminds us: Yesterday is gone — Tomorrow is still to come. All we really have is the NOW!
In other words: The past is the past: it is nobody’s business except yours. Deal with it!