Not My Fault — Your Fault!
As the Mother of five the recent events on our Border are horrifying!
As one who considers myself politically unsophisticated I still have opinions. What follows is my opinion based on logic, I hope.
If one only looks at the situation on our southern border: families arriving with the hope of entering America for a better life: Who could blame them for wanting to live in America?
Has anyone asked who set America up by organizing this family border-drop? It takes time to organize an invasion of this magnitude: who is behind it?
It is fair to say, these families likely paid a price to be brought to our border. Perhaps, they had to sell everything, or borrow money to get here with the prospects of a better life. Sending them back could be even more tragic for these hopefuls. This does not mean America just opens the doors to anyone, some sort of process must be followed.
Such as, who has relatives who could take them in, who already has a place to live, if any? Who has a criminal record. Perhaps single men should automatically be returned since, once in they could bring their families, illegally.
What if whomever set this up PAID these families to invade America in mass?
Who sent this group, anyway? Since all are not from Mexico, it appears as if someone planned to swamp America with families?
Maybe, the border guards were not prepared for such a large mass appearing all at once. The wall was intended to keep individuals and drug dealers from sliding through unnoticed.
We do not know if they had regulations to follow for a mass invasion.
Whatever, processing so many people at one time takes research.
This does not mean we overlook the trauma of a small child separated from their family? Identify the parents and return the little ones! Teenagers should be processed.
America is a country of immigrants, however, in the early days everyone wishing to enter America went through Ellis Island, documented, and released to relatives, unless they were well funded. Others, lived with anyone who would take them in until they found jobs and housing.
No one was allowed to enter without documentation, and immediately set-up with Welfare, a place to live and a vehicle. In fact, America had not yet implemented welfare into our system.
My own grandfather and his two brothers went through this process and exited Ellis Island with three different surnames. Thus, our family lost track of two brothers and their families, through the years.
Somehow, immigrating to America has taken on a different meaning. Once you make it across our borders you become entitled to be taken care of.
Groups are already strategically placed around our country, who arrange neighborhoods, homes, vehicles, and Welfare. Including documents they did not earn. They arrive in groups and relocated systematically so as not to call attention to this illegal relocation.
Cuba is an example. Residents were used to living on under $100 a year. We cannot even fathom this. When Obama opened Cuba, which was a good thing after so many years, residents rushed to America, signed up for welfare and returned to Cuba wealthy! (compared to what they were forced to live on, for years).
Was this taken into consideration when America lifted the restrictions?
Welfare was never intended to become a lifestyle. It was to help those out of work until they found another job.
There is a designated amount appropriated for welfare, after this amount is reached either funds must be suspended, or siphoned from other programs, or taxes are raised to cover. (out of your pocket!). What are you willing to give up to support illegals?
History reports immigrants came to America for a better life. They assimilated into our ideology without giving up their heritage. They raised their children to respect America’s way of life, in the process.
This too, has changed. Immigrants bring their ideology with them and force it on Americans using our own laws to force it through our system.
Checks & Balances
Any well run country must have and live by checks and balances. It is not productive to look at one situation and demand funding without considering the validity of the issue.
America is already teetering on the brink of financial collapse. Is it productive to increase the dependent population?
What about the military returning from over seas operations and forced to live on the dole until another war? Should their funding come before illegals?
I’m just asking?
The Wrap
Trump was voted in because people wanted change, however not one minute since he entered the race for President has he had one day without 24/7 slams, digs, criticism, slang, and disrespect. If it were me, I would have said, ‘Take this job and shove it’ long ago!
What do you think change is? CHANGE! So, maybe give him a chance. He has been called a Bully, and some of his behavior supports this. Bully’s Bully because they feel left out, or not accepted. (check his history).
When Bullies Bully think of it as a cry for love… this will rid the person of their need to bully.
People outside of government — who know Trump — love him?
Give love a chance?
Short version.