Metaphorically Speaking…
Metaphorically Speaking…
After reading through, “The Most Important Question!” and the comments that followed, I feel compelled to comment…and why I became a student of Metaphysics, the steady of Cause, not the study of effects. In other words, the study of Truth.
Metaphysics posits we are One, in spirit. Most of us were taught this in church, but as a kid you look around and think, Oh boy, I hope not with that one, or maybe that one. The true meaning went over my head, at the time.
However, on the concept we Are ONE, in spirit — what I do to others I am actually doing to myself. Thus, life is not about ME, rather about how I treat others. In the process of how I treat others are my needs met.
Our function becomes to learn to forgive ourselves when we forget we are One in spirit and move on. It is not our job to judge others because we do not know their journey. Judging keeps us involved with the ego instead of focusing beyond ourselves. Catch and forgive yourself, and move on.
You will be amazed by how much your life will change…