Melody Wilding — Your stories are always delightful — however I must disagree with part of your idea.
“For example, faced with a choice whether to open another storefront, a defensive pessimist would analyze possible negative outcome before deciding, whereas a pure optimist might decide to bet their life savings on the venture with no back-up plan.”
Your above listed paragraph does not give full credit to the optimist. To be optimistic does not mean one jumps in without having a plan. I thought it meant always looking on the bright side? (From one who has spent a lifetime making chicken soup out of chicken s- — t”). And still positive!
What is a defensive pessimist except an optimist?
On the concept we attract what we focus on it seems better to focus on the positive, and change our minds about a decision, if necessary. Nothing is carved in stone until we push the ‘Do-it? button!
See? Your ideas are always an inspiration!