1 min readOct 31, 2018
Let me see if I get this right:
- . Man is running the climate, yet cannot figure a way to retrieve plastic from the oceans? Science has explained climate changes are affected by the tilt of earth. In 2010 earth tipped on its axis several degrees beginning a predictable process.
- Man can travel to the moon and back, yet aliens do not understand how to visit earth? You may be overlooking how aliens travel out-of-body, also?
- Humans discovered the pyramids yet cannot figure a way to feed the homeless? The homeless cannot get welfare because they do not have an address? Immigrants do not have an address yet government(tax payer)is expected to fund them?
- Primates communicate is spirit, yet humans reporting such are looked upon with a jaundiced eye? Ever see the video of the male gorilla standing in the road to stop traffic while his family crosses? Service dogs alerting patient of oncoming seizure? Elephants running to help baby up the bank?
Repeating old worn-out misconceptions does not make them true… Truth is True!