If you put a dress on the guy in your story — it could have been me!

Bunny Moazed
4 min readJun 19, 2018

With four little girls to support and my unemployment checks running out, my friend asked me to take her teenage sister to the airport. How could I say no? After all I was not working and she was.

Unfamiliar with the Terminal I realized when we surfaced the parking lot we had to hike half-way around the terminal to Southwest.

A Sunny September sun was shining down on my sundress and sandals as we approached the Terminal. A tall, handsome, well groomed man in a brown suit approached with his hand out. I looked behind because I was sure he was not looking for me.

No, I mean you, he said, while I mentally scanned my image to decide how I had been chosen.

He handed me his business card and introduced himself as Steven, a News Caster on a local radio station.

Since we were early for the flight Steven invited us for refreshments and a chat. This is when he told me he had been following us outside, liked my legs, and circled around inside to see what I looked like from the front! (Bastard!).

When he heard I was looking for work he referred me to a friend “who could tell me what I could do!” Why I fell for this, I will never know, with only a high-school diploma I was not optimistic about someone telling me what I could do.

The following day I met his friend Marion who ran a series of tests and sent me off to a Brokerage Firm, who ran their own series of tests. By the end of the day and no job offer, I called Steven to report.

He encouraged me to wait until they answered: If they say, “Yes” you have a job. If they say, “No” you go home. Besides, if the Brokerage firm does not hire me his friend Al S. would.

When I arrived first thing the next morning Good-ol’ Marion gave me a Royal chewing about how I must have said something so I would not be hired (?) She handed be an order to apply with a Camera Company, and off I went. The minute the door closed behind me I knew I was not applying to no camera shop and become a clerk!

Instead, I walked across the street to Montgomery St. where people were gathered on each side of the street. (hmmm, for what?).

It was a motorcade with a very famous person standing in a convertible shaking hands with those next to me. More people had gathered behind me and the Press alongside. I almost held out my hand when he turned and began shaking hands on the other side of the street.

Someone tapped me on the shoulder, turning, a well dressed businessman introduced himself, handed me his card and said he owned a Modeling Agency nearby and would like to hire me as a leg model… (kidding of course ran rampant through my thoughts).

Since I had all day to do nothing, I began walking down the street noticing the buildings in case I may wish to inquire about a job. My idea was to look in the front window and check out the type of work in case I may be interested.

Well, this is when I found myself in front of a giant granite building with the name Steven had mentioned — in high relief staring me in the face. Pushing my way through the heavy beveled glass doors I approached the information desk for guidance. Than pushed the elevator button to the third floor.

When the elevator opened, I was not impressed. Except for a balcony overlooking everything to the first floor, the entrance to my destination with a glass window in the door looked outdated.

Since I made it this far, may as well check it out. The door was heavier than i thought as I cautiously pulled it open. Whoooooof! The smell of money hit me smack in the face and I barely had the door opened.

The first thing I saw was a mahogany counter at least 12 feet long, and a complete wall of red leather bound books on the right side. A little lady with white hair and on the phone, looked up and said, Your name wouldn’t by any chance be, Bunny, would it? Yes! You are wanted on the phone was her next sentence…

The Brokerage Firm had called to hire me and Marion could not find me, so she called Steven who said, maybe she went to my friends office!!

It was Friday midday and my job started the following Monday.

I moved my girls closer to downtown San Francisco in time to celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas. By now, I was more comfortable with my job, girls in school, etc. When it occurred to me I could not remember if I had properly thanked Steven? He stepped into my life for two days and changed everything! Least I could do was thank him.

It took me 18 years to find Steven! While recovering from a broken back I took the Sunday paper to the Marina, spread a blanket to catch some sun and tossed the newspaper on the blanket. The sections separated and in the Want Ad pages I spotted his name! Psychic!

He had no idea who I was. Yet, suggested we meet over coffee. Curious.

When we first met he was well groomed in a business suit and I was wearing a mini sundress with a hole cut out in back. (cute). Steven shows up for coffee wearing a white gauze outfit with shoulder length hair. A complete role reversal.

Even after meeting face to face Steven could not remember ever meeting me All he wanted to know was if we had gone to bed together? (Not over the phone, Steven!).

I never saw him again.

Now, 50 years later I am recovering from a broken neck after a city bus ran a red light ending my career, income, and purpose.

Back to looking for work!



Bunny Moazed
Bunny Moazed

Written by Bunny Moazed

MS in Criminal Justice, Alpha Phi Sigma on Criminal Justice Honor Society, Investigative Journalist, Author, Intuitive Protector, Metaphysical Teacher.

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