If history were to encapsulate male dominance we could claim the only improvement since cavemen dragged their women into the cave by her hair, is the entrance of the cell phone to capture the moment.
Moving forward: will society accept the bashing of Brett Kavanaugh sufficient enough to abolish sexual harassment against women, or will this merely incite more women to step forward without any proof?
Will this mean women can relax since we no longer need to dress and feel sexy, and for whom? Next, will society insist we keep the honey-bee from the pollen? The bee only provides 94% of our food supply… and we want more!
My generation raised women to be kept in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant, bashing any dreams of becoming a successful professional. Where is my recourse, or punishment for not informing my daughters to kick-ass!?
How deep is society demanding we go?
Will the Kavanaugh event be enough, is the question?
For those who may be keeping track, who is ahead in this contest?