I love this story, John Mashni!
Why? Because it could have been me.
Kicked out of boarding school because I receive a new car for Christmas.
No place to live so married at 17.
Grandfather cancelled my oil wells because he did not like my husband.
Divorced by 22 with four children — the oldest not yet five.
In two serious head-on collisions, had an out-of-body in the first, five months pregnant with an infant on my lap in the second.
Hit by a train when six-weeks pregnant.
My driver ran into a parked van breaking my back, smashing my chest, breaking fingers.
Hit by a city bus running red light breaking my neck and retiring me with an enclosed partial decapitation.
Began communicating in spirit with a man whom I had never met.
Earned an Associate, Bachelor’s, and Masters degree in Criminal Justice.
Wrote a book.
Plus, all the goofy stuff in between!
The original energizer Bunny!