How Many Gods are Up There, Anyway?
My question as an eight-year-old in a religious school! Our God is the real God, what about the African God, Catholic God, Chinese God, Japanese God? How many? Eyes rolled — no answer.
Just checking my options because in our church everything was a sin. No drinking, no smoking, no dancing, no jewelry, no make-up, no movies, and on and on…
Years passed. Married, children, divorced — no religion.
The local Pastor came by each week dropping the neighbor girl home from church.
First —Knock-knock. SLAM! Then, Hello. uh ha! Next, How are you? OK!
The Pastor of this ‘everything is a sin’ church invited me and my five children to a church picnic. Nice weather, Homemade food, other children, and NO Preaching!
That afternoon my first born and only son was killed in a hit-and-run by a 15 year-old in a stolen car!
SO? I kicked God out of my life for the next 30 years.
What good is He, anyway?
Work — Work — Work!
One Day — I heard a song by a famous gospel singer and tears took the liberty to drizzle down my cheeks. What the, Hell? Something was missing.
Do you know?
Metaphysics in about the Cause of things, not the affects? Hum.
Not about sins, FACTS!
This is when I fell in Love with Albert Einstein! He loves — the Facts!
Many people know he Won the Nobel Prize for E=MC2:
His Theory of Relativity has not changed since 1925 and here is why.
Scientists already knew an atom could be broken down to a sub-atomic particle. Einstein was the first to break a subatomic particle down to its source and discovered — PURE Vibrating Light, the source of everything.
Pure Vibrating Light throws out wave forms of probability that become sub-atomic particles, and two or more sub-atomic particles become an atom. Two or more atoms become molecules or everything which can be seen.
This is an Eternal cycle. Scientists since discovered wave forms of probability contain an intellectual intelligence. Even when separated they continue to communicate. So much so, they become involved with scientists thoughts making a perfect evaluation impossible.
This is when I became involved with Metaphysics
On a whim, I wrote to the Foundation for clarification of terms, not expecting anything. The President of the Foundation responded initiating weekly letters for the next six years, when he passed.
Eight months after my first letter I wrote it was fun corresponding with him because he had no idea to whom he was writing. He appeared in Spirit. Thinking this was part of my dream I wrote explaining this beautiful dream.
He wrote thanking me for letting him into my heart! I have 450 letters to back up everything I say.
Why do I Share this with you — Easy!
Technology is so close to admitting there is more to life than we know they will soon have to start reporting it, and back it up with science.
I have been in two serious head-on collisions: one five months pregnant with a baby on my lap. The other had an Out-of-body experience.
Hit by a train when two months pregnant.
Passenger in a car that struck a parked van breaking my back , five ribs, smashed my sternum, etc.
Most recently, struck by a city bus running a red light, spun me around hit me again and threw me 33 feet into a stone building.breaking my neck!
After the bus accident is when I wrote to the Foundation and began communicating in Spirit, even in the five years since he passed.