Hovering just below the ceiling I looked down on my body lying on the gurney and asked repeatedly “Close her top!”
My tunic and bra had been opened for X-rays exposing my bare chest to my date who stood silently crying at the foot of the gurney. His lip dripping blood from the impact of a head-on by a drunk driver on the wrong side of the road.
To my right the doctor methodically washed and dried his hands — as if there was nothing left to do for the corpse. Mine!
Sometime before they could ship me off to the Morgue — I sat up!
Concussion, said the doctor, as if I had just recovered from a bruise.
From the frightened look on the doctors face when I reported seeing myself, my date and his reluctant cleansing, I chose not to pursue the issue. Out-of-body experiences (OBE) were still out there with UFO sightings.
I decided not to discuss remembering my birth… However, years passed, another head-on while pregnant, with a baby on my lap: hit by a train, when two months pregnant: broken back as a passenger, and most recently, struck by a City bus running a red light — breaking my neck!
One evening while sleeping sitting-up I had the most beautiful dream, or so I thought. Someone standing beside me in shimmering white light telling me I was going to be okay. Although I do not recall speaking words we communicated. It was so peaceful and full of Love.
Can I explain it? Not exactly, except to say we don’t know what we don’t know! I suspect there is more to life than we were taught!
I recovered (?) and he still communicates.