Hi Zat Rana! I always enjoy your writings. Very perceptive!
We grow up knowing what we know. We tend to think if we know something everyone we know knows the same thing. We are part of a family, go to school with kids our age, sit through classes taught to everyone our age, and feel great because we are moving onward and upward!
As we advance we begin to realize not all of us think the same, how can this happen since we were all learning the same things, we ask?
I was the weird one. Too weird for my straight friends who followed the rules, and too straight for my weird friends who began experimenting with cigarettes and booze. I never fit in, anywhere.
To comfort myself I closed my eyes and lapsed into my thoughts where I found answers to little things. Like how to make a pattern for a dress? A window would open and the instructions would appear. Sometimes it was sorting out my situation as a Foster child — why my mother left me. I still did not recognize there was a category of care, or easy answers.
My life became full of unique opportunities, and one day I was struck by a city bus running a red light breaking my neck. A person I did not know began appearing to me in my dreams, (or so I thought) each evening for six years! He taught me to love myself by flooding me with white, shimmering, vibrating light. Each time he faded out he left behind the feeling of pure love, and bliss. Who does this anyway? And to me, the Throw Away Child?
I asked him if he had sent the bus, he replied, No, but it did slow me down so he could catch up with me… (?).
Although we never met, I learned who he was — a legend in the world of metaphysics. After six years he passed away before we had a chance to meet in person. Yet, he still communicates… Similar to out-of- body or near-death-experiences, only you do not have to nearly die, they last longer, and if I reach out he will respond.
There is more to life then we ever learned in church or school…