Hi-Tech Religion
In an age of Rockets to the Moon, Mars, and Jupiter, iPhones, and IPO’s can we really expect the younger generation to believe in a God on a Throne in Heaven?
Fly-by’s of the above rockets did not include selfies of Heaven, or angels. Considering the older generation is still pondering the reality of UFO’s, a segue to the possibility of a Higher Power, can we expect Millennials and post-Millennials to worship the same God as referred to in the Bible?
The Bible only covers the last 2,000 years — which at one time could have made sense — a 2,000 years-old God? Maybe! With science now claiming the earth is more likely over six-billion years old removes God to a category needing more clarification. This could explain why the newer generations do not seem to endorse the older generations concept of a God. This also explains why Millennials and post-Millennials come across as unsettled in their beliefs, or if they accept any in the first place.
The rapid advancement in technology has left a gap in what we believe, want to believe, or have lost faith in altogether. This is when the study of metaphysics, the cause of everything, becomes more attractive. This could also explain why Einstein’s Theory of Relativity (E = MC2) has survived the test of time.
Although science already knew atoms could be reduced to sub-atomic particles, Einstein was the first to break sub-atomic particles down to their original source: Pure Vibrating Light — the source of everything!
Einstein went on to explain — Pure Vibrating Light not only sends out wave forms of probability, but these wave forms have an intellectual intelligence and communicate with each other even if separated. Wave forms become sub-atomic particles, and sub-atomic particles become atoms… the Eternal cycle.
Part One:
Bunny Moazed MS