Hi brave Luke!
When Mormons and Jehovah Witness came knocking at my door I always wondered why they never asked if I had my own religion? Like, what makes ‘them’ think I need to be converted?
Could it be these door-to-door visits are more about solidifying their younger generations beliefs? After all, you must know to teach, and what better way to learn than to practice ‘cold-calling?’
I respect all religions on the concept ideas often resonate differently. One can grow up hearing the same thing repeatedly and not endorse it, yet visit a different church and hear it from a different perspective and — bingo — it suddenly resonates.
My question to all religions is how each religion can preach their god is the true god when as far as I know there is only ONE God up there?! Since the concept of one God is universal this needs some clarification!
Maybe religion is like math? The deeper you study math the more complicated it becomes. My guess is, when math becomes over-our-head we jump the wagon, just like religion?
A good place to begin, we are One, in spirit — thus, how I see you is how I see myself. If I judge you as different, I must forgive myself for forgetting we are ONE. (looks easy? Try it!).
It’s all good!