Good job, Corlett!
As a long-time follower of Edgar Cayce, Carlos Castenada, Jane Roberts, plus a few more-I am inclined to believe anything is possible!
Akashic Record
The Akashic Records, or “The Book of Life,” can be equated to the universe’s super-computer system. It is this system that acts as the central storehouse of all information for every individual who has ever lived upon the earth. More than just a reservoir of events, the Akashic Records contain every deed, word, feeling, thought, and intent that has ever occurred at any time in the history of the world. Much more than simply a memory storehouse, however, these Akashic Records are interactive in that they have a tremendous influence upon our everyday lives, our relationships, our feelings and belief systems, and the potential realities we draw toward us, (Edgar Cayce A.R.E.)
Cayce tapped into the Akashic Record to heal people he never met, nor did he need to before giving a cure for their particular illness.
Out-of-Body Experience (OBE).
When I was 19 our vehicle was struck head-on throwing me into the windshield and out into a ditch. While in the hospital I had an OBE where I was looking down on myself lying on a table. I said, Close her top. Close her top. Back then, OBE was unknown, or at least unrecognized.
The Doctor had unpinned my tunic top for x-rays. I witnessed my boyfriend standing at the foot of the table, crying. The doctor was off to my right drying his hands in quiet solitude.
Society accepts OBE on some level. There are books and movies about those who have had this experience.
Fast Forward to 2007
A city bus ran a red light, struck my vehicle, spun it around and struck it again, sending me 33 feet into a stone building, breaking my neck. Leaving me with an enclosed partial decapitation (generic term). I now have to sleep sitting-up.
Three months later I wrote to the President of this Metaphysical Organization for clarification on a term in a class I was facilitating. This initiated weekly letters for six years.
Eight months after my first letter I was awaken by a beautiful dream where someone was standing beside me talking, although I do recall saying any words. Just an amazing sense of Love and peace. When the entity phased out he left behind a feeling of unconditional love.
In my following letter I tried to explain my dream. He responded by thanking me for opening my heart and sharing the love. (?).
The night he passed I was sound asleep in the shadows of my bedroom, when I was awaken by someone taking my face in both hands and kissing me on the lips. I yelled, Stop that! Immediately, realizing this was the person writing to me for six years — making his transition. (He still communicates).
Recently, I fainted while touring a Museum: fell over backwards bouncing my head off the marble floor. (Not good for my situation).
Okay, I accept you do not believe a word of this — however, when I came to there was no bump, no blood, no scratch/cut/no sore spot/nada!
Until he passed and I reread his letters I thought he had some way of traveling out-of-body meeting me in my dreams (?). I had no idea I could lapse into spirit, too! “When spirits original state of direct communication is reached, neither the body nor the miracle serves any purpose.”
Over five years of our six-year correspondence, we were communicating in spirit, yet when he passed I still thought he was appearing in my dreams!
This explains what a doubting Thomas I was and what it takes to wake me up!
Now, can I explain it? No! Can you explain God? See what I mean?