From age two I tapped into vivid color windows and found answers and comfort. I knew I was different yet thought it was because I was a foster child. I had no idea all children did not see what I saw.
As an adult I began communicating in spirit with a legend in the metaphysical world. I had written the foundation for clarification of a term initiating six years of weekly letters (450 letters).
Eight months into our letter writing he appeared in spirit — thinking it was a beautiful dream I tried to explain it in my following letter. He responded by thanking me for opening my heart and sharing the love.
He passed in 2013 and we still communicate. Although I do not seem able to tap into another person, in spirit, he will respond when I reach out to him.
The benefits? Unconditional love and peace.
We are not a body — we are Spirit — in a body!
My experience may be the first to have hard-copy letters to back up my claims. Many books and a movie or two tell the story of out-of-body (OBE) and near-death-experiences(NDE) that have lasted only moments. My experience has been on-going since 2008.
If there are others who can document communicating in spirit, I would like to hear from them.