For the first year after my children were born I diligently took pictures each month, on the date they were born. We did not have the iPhone, or other social medias, in those days.
It was my daughters three-month photo shoot. After a successful session in her swing I placed her beside me on the blanket while watching her siblings play. They giggled and chirped while taking breaks for a sip of water from a hose next to our house, then back to the gym set.
My infant had squirmed to the edge of the blanked and I hesitated to see if she had a purpose, or just the natural results of a wiggly baby. Out loud I said, I don’t know where you think you are going but you are not going to like it when you hit the grass.
She hit the grass, and immediately rose-up on her knees and crawled the 15 feet to the side of the house — picked up the hose and took a drink! I was clicking away like an excited research scientist catching each move!
When the film was developed you see her in her swing with her little bonnet, her neck still a little unsure. Then, a series of snapshots of her crawling to the side of the house and drinking from the hose!
Never underestimate the potential of your infant. Those precious months after they are born they are still close to God: just because they have not learned our language does not mean they are not thinking…