Ethan Siegel — I am so excited to see your work! While I cannot compete with your writings, charts, and visuals — I would like to think I am Einstein — reincarnated — however he was still with us when I was born!
Your subject of Dark Matter: When Einstein broke the subatomic particle down to its source — he discovered ‘Pure Vibrating Light’ (PVL). Energy, the source of everything! (Einstein).
He went on to say -matter/mass and energy are interchangeable — mass/matter to energy and energy back into matter/mass. This concept was used in developing the A-Bomb, thus confirming Einstein’s theory.
When you see Dark Matter in the universe — could it be mass/matter (interchangeable) with energy— able to change back into energy, if prompted?
Maybe the question would be — what is the process used by the universe to convert mass/matter back into energy? We know it was nuclear fusion used in the process of converting mass/matter into energy for building the bomb.
How would the universe accomplishment this — or perhaps it is a long process and this is the reason some of what we can see presents as mass/matter?
When you see mass/matter in the universe it must be always moving, and changing, not stationary? It is also possible one is not seeing the same cluster of mass because of the fluidity and constant flexibility of the Cosmos?
As energy in its interchangeable form of mass/matter it sounds perfectly normal.