Enjoyed and agree with your story — on many levels.
Off the Grid! Writing about an Out-of-body (OBE) experience generates a lot of interest: sometimes books and movies.
Write about a Near-death-experience (NDE) and stories of talking to God fill the media. More books, interviews, and also movies.
But talk about having been struck by a city bus running a red light, breaking ones neck and now channeling a deceased person, and suddenly you become a wacko!
Well guess what?
OBD and NDE are both the same as channeling. The difference is the time spent in each. OBE is about rising above the body and observing the ‘Self’ from above. A temporary disconnect from the body.
NDE the entity leaves the body and visits God, a Higher power, and communicates temporarily before returning to the body. Both are a result of pain. Surgery, accident, sickness, and so forth.
Channeling is different because it is an ongoing relationship with a Higher power, or even a deceased friend or person. It is possible to reach out to this entity and they will communicate. It becomes a relationship. Most of the time, playful.
My point is: instead of making a cranky comment when someone relates stories of channeling-think of it as an opportunity to be reminded-there is more to this life than we know.