Each time the media slobbers over another rape victim from the past my first reaction is — EVERY WOMAN OUT HERE has experienced rape or attempted rape, at one time or another! Many were or are still married to the rapist! To target just the rich and famous adds a new dimension to these claims, money!
Not one news item has highlighted an unknown working man with a rape mentality who slid past the attention of former conquests, why? MONEY! Not sensational enough, nothing in it for the media…or the claimant.
This is where I have a problem ~
For years, print advertising has been rife with subliminal suggestions. This pops up everywhere, billboards, magazines, newspapers, and the evening news. Fashion also, expose and emphasizes the woman’s body. Universities promote co-ed dorm rooms, grade schools condone short shorts for girls! Again, why? Because it profits the media, magazines, movies, fashion designers, and sex!
Sex is big business! Perhaps powerful businessmen are willing to take the risk of a few dozen men exposed for bad behavior, or just go with the flow because this is the way it has always been.
This does not explain why certain females feel beholden to step forward with a sad story after an unreasonable amount of time has past. Even a reported rape has a statute of limitations, six years in some states. When a situation from the distant past has the capacity to continue to effect one in real time suggests there is more wrong with this individual then what is displayed on the surface.
Perhaps it revolves around guilt? Guilt for putting yourself in the situation in the first place. Guilt for not becoming pro-active and socking the dude in the nose! (you can kill someone with this easy punch!). Guilt for not reporting it at the time? Guilt for allowing someone to talk you into bringing up the event after all these years?
Ladies! Write this on a 3 x 5 card and keep it in your purse:
People will treat you, ANY-WAY-YOU-LET-THEM!
This does not mean I condone the rape/attempted rape behavior. I do not! It is curious to me how some women will strut their stuff to demonstrate how powerful they are, and crumble when it attracts the wrong attention. If you think you deserve respect, then act like it!
Now, Ladies, put your big-girl leggings on and get back to work!