During the Hippie era when America was in the throes of an evolution/revolution, I was raising five children, the first four a year apart! I respected their right to protest, leaving the unrest for them to work out.
Technology has upped the anti on this one… we are dealing with organized crime from countries who have respect only for power. America has two choices — be aggressive at the onset, or invest our human rights in what could become a take over.
Let’s say the current reaction is right — America has no heart because they separate mother’s from their children! Where is the proof these women are the mother’s of ALL of these children! SHOCKING! You say?
Remember, their story is they are escaping from a cruel country — if they stay they will be killed! This means you believe this cruel country allowed these ‘families’ to just load-up and leave their control? Suddenly, this cruel country has become benevolent? (keep thinking!).
Ok, bye-bye- see you later — the last words these families hear from their now benevolent country. THEY CROSSED 13 COUNTRIES BEFORE MAKING IT TO America!
You must then believe ALL of the 13 countries they passed through were cruel so they HAD to make it to America?
Oh! You believe they flew to Mexico and took buses to our border? Who the HELL is paying for this? These are the poor and trodden, remember! Running for their lives!
Things have to make sense to me! The only thing to make sense is flooding our borders is a brilliant way to back-up America with a crisis!
Cruel and inhuman if we do not take these people in — or advert a more devastating situation for America if we do take them in. (Germany is already regretting taking in refugees!)
Facts: Here is what happens if America takes them in:
- They go on Welfare — because they came here with nothing.
- Our Welfare program is already in trauma over funding.
- Funding for extra Welfare will come from raising our taxes!
- Can our country support an influx of non-working, non-productive, restless families?
- Are you willing to chance more home invasions, more murders, more school shootings, more unrest, in general? More drug dealers?
Do not forget, it is our hard working, underpaid workers who will be taxed to support the influx!
In Conclusion:
If we fall for this organized crime ploy, there will be more following!