Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
It has crossed my mind how the Black and White issue may not be about Black and White at all. If it were about color there are other races living happily in the US who are so black they are almost blue. They never complain, and they live happy lives. Why? There is beauty in all races! Think how boring it would be if we were alike in bodies ~
It is about Spirit!
To be One in spirit means exactly what it says. In Spirit we are One. If you do not see this, it means YOU are judging the other person — who you may know nothing about! Only God judges and since He sees us as One, who are we to oppose Him?
This is the reason we are encouraged to forgive, not the other person, (only God can do this) we must forgive Ourselves for seeing the other person as different. The moment we see another as different, we have separated ourselves from God. This is a mistake to be forgiven, not a sin carved in stone.
Thus, since we are One, in spirit, what we do to others we are doing to ourselves. (One is one).
Black people live their religion in public, they Praise God when they win, Praise God when they are Happy. There is unity in their beliefs. Black people can visit other Black churches and be welcomed as Brothers. Praises go up — Blessings come down.
White people save their commitment to God for the privacy of their home or church. Their beliefs are private. White people are segregated in their beliefs whether Catholic, Mormans, Protestant, or otherwise. Each religion is on a constant search for new members.
How many God’s are up there, anyway?
Outside of family, you must prove your worth for white people to accept your friendship as worthy. Black people accept you on sight because you are Black! Are there exceptions, of course! All exceptions are a result of a lack of Love. Love thy neighbor as thy self… (in Spirit, not body).
(Metaphysical concepts based on A Course in Miracles).