Bunny Moazed
4 min readFeb 9, 2019


As a foster child within the church and church school, I was raised on Fire & Brimstone! “God’ll get you!” seemed to be their Mantra.

To this child I did not want to believe a word of it, yet there was nowhere to go. I married young, outside the church, had a son, and four daughters.

After my only son was killed in a hit-and-run just before his 12th birthday, I kicked God out of my life and did not go to church for 30 years. What good is God anyway if he can’t save a child from a teenager in a stolen vehicle making a get-away?

More years tiptoed past and one morning my vehicle was struck by a City bus running a red light, spun around and struck again tossing me 33 feet into a stone building — breaking my neck. Leaving me with an enclosed partial decapitation. Now, I have to sleep sitting up.

One night while asleep in my chair I had a lovely dream — it seemed as if someone was standing beside me in white shimmering light. We communicated, yet I do not remember speaking any words. In fact, it was as if this person whom I had read about, yet never met was telling me everything was going to be alright.

A quiet, calmness slipped through me during our brief meeting. As he faded away he left behind a feeling of perfect love and peace. Something like stories of Out-of-Body (OBE) and Near-Death Experiences (NDE).

Feeling like an acorn writing to the Mighty Oak, I sent a letter to the President of this Foundation explaining my beautiful and serene dream. He responded by thanking me for letting him into my heart and sharing the love.

Up jumped ol’ Doubting Thomas on the alert! The last thing I need is some guy whom I do not know, talking to me about love!

Enter: Albert Einstein E = MC2

Did Einstein discover God?

A Scientific Theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment. Such fact-supported theories are not “guesses” but reliable accounts of the real world. (Gibbs, 1997).

E = MC2 explained: “Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared.” On the most basic level, the equation says that energy and mass (matter) are interchangeable: they are different forms of the same thing. Under the right conditions, energy can become mass, and visa versa.

In common terms, Einstein’s theory broke down the sub-atomic particle to its source, Pure Vibrating Light! The source of everything… This had never been accomplished before.

Pure vibrating light sends out wave forms of probability which become sub-atomic particles — two or more sub-atomic particles become atoms. Atoms comprise everything which cannot be seen, like much of the cosmos. While two or more Atoms become molecules, everything which can be seen. It is an Eternal cycle!

Wave forms of probability have an Intellectual Intelligence so powerful it interfered with scientists thoughts interrupting further testing. Plus, they continue to communicate even if broken or separated.

How we relate to this: everything has a vibration — everything!

Not everything vibrates at the same level of frequency — rocks, animals, weather, ideas, and people, are all different. Some people are referred to as having low energy or another individual has high energy? It is all about vibration!

This supports an explanation I can accept because it makes sense. Otherwise, to believe it all started with the ‘Big-Bang’ there would have to be two or more things to bang together, suggests something was already there to bang together!

Did the Big-Bang Awaken God?

Where was God in this process? When you look at the solar system filled with planets, stars and other worlds, what if it is all an illusion and we perpetuate it each time we slip into our ego? A change in our vibration, perhaps?

Why is it society will ponder the meaning of God, yet are seldom concerned with who the ego is and where it comes from or goes when we die? Could it be because to describe the ego requires one to have some concept of illusions — like out-of-body experiences? Something like thinking outside the box?

This could confirm the universe and life are all an illusion… Sound crazy? How is it so different from our dreams? Seems real while we are dreaming, yet it all goes away when we awaken. Awaken?!

If the ego is real, then why is it not buried with the body? Have you ever heard anyone say they miss old Uncle John’s ego? Ever hear a doctor tell Aunt Lucy she has cancer of the ego? If the ego is an illusion we made up-maybe this earth and life is also?

Like an experiment or an opportunity to awaken and prepare us for another level of eternal life? Such as a stop-off until we ‘get-it?’

Scientists recently reported the earth is 4.534 billion years old, not 100,000 years as once reported. This changes the concept of a God sitting on a throne, for a variety of reasons. Such as any attempt to make this believable would require additional proof, which we don’t have.

Churches refer to Bible phrases alluding to those who see images, communicate in Spirit, and travel out of the body. Yet never expand upon these reports to include us, meaning the ability to communicate outside the box is not new, rather ignored.

Let us be the generation who awakens to our ancestral heritage, Eternal Life!

P.S. We continued our weekly letters for six years when he passed — and he still communicates!



Bunny Moazed
Bunny Moazed

Written by Bunny Moazed

MS in Criminal Justice, Alpha Phi Sigma on Criminal Justice Honor Society, Investigative Journalist, Author, Intuitive Protector, Metaphysical Teacher.

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