As a Child I Never Fit In!
For some reason I was too weird for my straight friends (followed rules), and too straight for my weird friends (Rules?): I never fit in!
I blamed it on a variety of things that seemed to change as the concept fell apart. Not pretty enough-not smart enough-not tall enough-only one left-handed, with green eyes, and no father…
Star student, taught myself to play the piano and accompanied the Pastor on his violin by the age of six, played cello in school orchestra by second grade, graduated Valedictorian-not good enough!
What does a child do who feels left out? They go within. Within was where I found answers: How to make a pattern for a dress? You go within. How to comfort yourself? Go within… Doesn’t everyone?
What happens when you go inward? Windows open with scenes you recognize, in living color. People you cannot see talk to you.
This is very difficult to explain to your mother, or friends, who begin to avoid you.
For fun, a friend and I went to a regression session. The agent placed me in a comfortable chair and turned on soft music.
Hope this will not hurt, were my only thoughts. Go back to the last time you were sad, she said.
Death of my son.
No, go back further… (the only words she ever spoke to me).
Six hours later and soaked in tears, I had reached my birth.
“Is this true?”
I don’t know, it is your story, she responded.
The same windows opened, in vivid color, just like those I had been using as far back as I could remember.
Back to work, the subject seldom came up again.
Years passed.
A City Bus ran a red light, struck my vehicle, tossing me 33 feel into a stone building breaking my neck. This ended my career, income, and purpose.
Too much time to do nothing, not enough income to do something.
After much searching, I became involved in a class on metaphysics, and pretty much did not understand a word of it!
On a fluke, maybe it was the brain damage-I wrote to the President of the Foundation for clarification of a term. Fat chance he would respond! His answer arrived during the same week and seemed to require an answer. I responded.
His letters arrived weekly for eight months when I wrote it was fun writing to him because he had no idea to whom he was writing. Still marveling over the fact he ever responded to my silly letters, I then wrote attempting to explain a beautiful dream I had the night before. How vivid in color, and the feeling of pure love such as I had never felt before.
Like this story, I had a difficult time expressing my dream.
He thanked me for opening my heart and sharing the love. Confirming he was the image I had seen in my dream.
We continued to communicate, in spirit and letters until he passed five years later. Now, he only communicates in spirit. When I realized I have never had a dream including anyone who wrote thanking me for allowing them to appear in my dream, I had to accept I somehow slipped into spirit, also.
If you think I never fit in as a child, try having an experience like a talky-dream friend!
What is curious to me and why I write looking for friends is because of the many stories about Near-Death or Out-of-Body experiences and go on to write books and movies about their adventure.
What I wish to convey is there is more going on ‘out-there’ then we realize, plus it is available to everyone and you do not have to nearly die to experience it.
What if the reason Einstein’s Theory of Relativity has lasted since 1925 is because he confirmed the possibility of communicating in spirit?
When Einstein theory E = MC2 was translated he discovered a sub-atomic particle broken down to its source is pure, vibrating, Light-the source of everything! In addition, this pure vibrating light has an intellectual intelligence and will communicate even when broken and separated from its source.
In closing, I leave you with this thought: When you are discouraged, sad, or feel like giving up - go within!