Did you know the Constitution of the United States only applies to government employees? I was shocked to learn this — mostly because it never came up in a typical conversations, maybe? The other reason could be because I had been out of school for what seemed like Forever, when I became aware of this.
There is a logical reason for the Constitution ~
Basically, it is to keep the government from taking advantage of the public they took an Oath of Office to Serve!
Before the public can be accused of a crime and arrested there must be ‘Probable Cause.’ The Miranda Act must be read before interrogating the individual and to give this person time to ask for an Attorney, if they so desire. The list goes on and on. However, a police officer may arrest someone without the above if the Officer is witness to the crime.
What’s your point — you may ask? This is a writing class not a political science discovery session…
Think back a few presidents when outsourcing became a solution to the cost of production and we lost many America jobs to other countries. America outsourced mining projects, Auto companies, computers, and just about everything which can be developed and sold, including prisons!
Prisons? Yes, we are talking about ‘Outsourcing’ prisons which until the 1980’s had…