A foster child from an early age, I learned one important thing. “You can’t Hurt me!” This has served me well as I trundle through life, that is until a city bus ran a red light, tossed me 33 feet into a stone building, breaking my neck.
Perhaps because I arrived in a limo for my hospital examinations those who should have known, overlooked my complaint of a stick poking me in the neck. When I refused Morphine the doctor tossed a hospital gown on the gurney and walked out, never to return.
On this sunny morning my career and income ended, along with my purpose in life. Only thing left was my weekly metaphysical class at the local Unity Church. I wrote a goofy letter to the Foundation for clarification initiating weekly letters for six years.
One night I had the most stunningly beautiful dream. A Presence was standing beside me comforting me, although no words were exchanged. The room was consumed in white vibrating light, like a blanket of comfort it hovered near. After the Presence faded out He left behind pure love and peace.
It was so beautiful I wrote to my new friend, whom I had never met in person, explaining my beautiful dream experience. He responded by thanking me for letting Him come, letting Him stay, for opening my heart and sharing the Love!
For the next six years we communicated in spirit daily, and during evenings. Without correcting me, or preaching, he taught me to love myself. He passed five years ago and we still communicate.
The night he passed, He held my face in both hands, kissed me on my lips, waking me. I yelled, “Stop that!” Then begged him to return. What he taught me is this: you do not have to nearly die to communicate in Spirit, this is available to everyone. “When spirits original state of direct communication is reached, the body no longer serves any purpose.”
There is so much more to this life than you will ever find in print.